
Happy National Day

Happy National Day everyone! Satu Malaysia! haha...look like very patriotic..lolll...cause today is holiday! I remember that a few week ago before holidays my english teacher had talked about this topic..And she ask we all are you love ur country? Many of us said they don't really like Malaysia at all...After that my teacher ask again why does you all don't like ur country? Because of the environment, the government and so on..We just answer it. And I also got asked myself this question, are u really don't like Malaysia? But I so confused because it has bad and good thing in Malaysia right? My teacher also asked we all if u don't like ur country then which country u will choose to lived? Some of us said UK, USA, Italian, Australia, Newzeland, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China and so on. And I prefer Korea.lolll...Then my teacher started elucidates. But I forgot what she had talked about..lolll...BUT in my opinion I think in other country have many terrorist right? Sometime when I open my tv and watched the news will saw some terrorist boom here boom there in other country.. It is so dangerous! And it was cause many people lost their life. Sometime will happen natural disasters such in China, Jepun and Indonesia. And it was also cause many people lost their house, money, even their life their family...I feel so lucky cause I was born in this country Malaysia. But it is still have their bad thing la of course does not have perfect things in this world right? And other country also have their good thing such as their views is so beautiful awesome and their weather is cold of course not like in Malaysia  HOT! lollll...Hot like in the ‘heaven’ right?haha
The above mentioned is only my opinion so if something I wrote wrong or something else made u feel 
uncomfortable I'm here to say sorry guy! :)

Awww...time flied so fast ar...Blink of an eye, tmr is September already! August is gonna going...
Today is last day in August. And I know right still have around 2 month to go, study in the school..My 
form 4 life is going fast! I haven't catch up my form 4 subject untill now I start regret...Why I so lazy...
why why why and why...haiz....gonna do more revision...but everytime I tell myself must do revision 
finally I do revision about facebook...lollll...I hate myself...wtf...If the question is asking me about 
facebook sure I will get full marks! lollll...I'm worry about my addmath, biology, physic and chemistry.

Regret regret full of regret!
Nothing in my brain just like to shopping shopping shopping..
And the money is flying away.
No study mood just like the facebook facebook..
And the marks will get lower and lower.
Everyday eat eat eat and no exercise..
And the fatty layer become thicker and thicker.
Lazy jump jump jump..
And always maintain the height degree.
Lazy do facial mask..
Finally become a ugly girl..
Pls give me a toto number and let me win the money..
Pls give me the answer and let me become the number 1 in the class..
Pls give me a healthy and sexy body..
Pls give me a height that I want and I don't want live in the Lilliput..
Pls give me a angel's face..
Pls ~~~
LOL....May all my wish come true!!! Hopefully! :D

Okayy today are very boring right I know and now I gonna stop at here to do my nose mask to pull out all my blackhead ...haha so see u in September!



Happy Thursday!

Hi today I gonna blog about gathered with my best friend last thursday. Sorry I delay to update this post. That day we three little girl gathered at @Time square. I was wake up so early cause i don't wanna be late anymore. :(  That day we plan to go @Pavilion cause I was long time didn't went there shopping ady. I miss there..lolll....When we arrived, we plan to have a breakfast at TWG @Pavilion but it is very super duper expensive! So said goodbye to TWG and then we went to 6 floor the Tokyo Street. Ohww i wanna eat Hokkaido cake!! Long time didn't eat this cake ady it was so delicious but I still didn't buy...Bankrupt ar...I scared and I must save some money from now on..wtf...sad..sad..sad....
Until we saw Shimino @Pavilion. My friend told me this is a desert house and their crepes damn yummy.. Before this I also know this Shimino from the famous blogger Chuckei cause she has a video was shoot about this crepes with her sis and they said very yummy...I cannot wait to try this crepes! Awww...finally!
 Wish fulfilled!!! lolllllllllll.....

 wow...got many flavor!

 I choose fresh mango! yummy!

 my friend shy shy hehe

 Yoke ling~


After that, we bought wagashi something like a cake and inside the cake got many sauce and when you eat the sauce will stream to ur mouth..lollll...I don't know how to explain. My one is chocolate flavor same with my friend. Taste damn good! 

 The menu...bad capture lollll

 Choose ur favourite


Then we went to Redbox @Lowyat sing k! Happy time, happy girl! Party rock!

 My black pepper fish chop and plum juice

 My friend one I forgot the name ady..haha..with plum juice same with me

Don't know why happy time will flied very fast and my two friend was back home ady but I should wait until my father came and fetch me back after work. 8pm++ OMG, to make good use of time, I decided went to cinema watch movie 'The Dark Knight Rises'. Not bad wat I like bad man cause he is soooooo MAN! hahaha...But I don't know this movie was 2 hours++ so when my daddy reached and called me I also don't know cause in cinema my phone no network line at all! wtf...I think my daddy will be late came so I continued to watch my bad man..lollls...Finally I kena scold by daddy..haha...sad...

Bad man! so Man! Awww my love~lollll

Okayyy I better stop here and I know I used around 2 hour to blog this post because the line sucks! wtf...
And I know I still got many homework havent done yet tmr sure die la me...haha
Okay gtg now so bye


Funny shooting 2

Sorry again until now i only free to update my blog.hehe...Oh this post are about the video shooting. That day we gathered at @Leisuremall around 10am. Awww...I should wake up early but I oversleep ady until 9am++..lollll..wtf...So I rushed rushed rushed rushed..haha stupid..i know..Then finally all done and I started walked to @Leisuremall. Geng leh I know and leisuremall was very near my house so I walked to there.lolll.. Can province car oil. Environmental protection. lollll..Okayy back to topic. When we all was reached ady then a guy dropped us to a house started prepared this video shooting. Forgot to told u all this video shooting have a title called ''Stress''. Okayy lets see some picture behind the scenes.:)

Behind the scenes..
 make up ing lolll

 my friend shy shy hahaha 

Random picture ;D
 selca 1

which one more nicer? hehehe

 Selca 2

nothing to do so I.....lollll short leg two different color ahahaha

my cute friend..damn funny right haha 

Hahaha thats all for that day and I went home early cause nothing to do lollll. Soooo tired! But I can't sleep since this few day ago...don't know what happen with me..something wrong with me I think..OMG...Do I get Insomnia?! How can?! wtf...I wanna sleep well. haizz...

Okayy la time to say goodnite and I hope I can sleep well tonight and tomorrow are open school!! wtf!!! I can't accept lorr...I want HOLIDAYS!!!! This few days not enough for me....I wanna rest at home..

Bye bye :D


Funny shooting

Okay finally I'm free today and I gonna post about yesterday activity. I was invited to filming a video shooting with my two best friend by two college students. It was a rare opportunity so we decided to attend the invited. Yesterday we went to SMK Taman Connaught filmed. Have fun with my friend. lolll... The most funny thing are my cute friend..haha erm.. Lets see the most funny picture that i captured.

the script 

sexy pose.... lollll

hahaha funnnyyy right? Later he will kill me.lolll. Okayyy thats all for today and tomorrow continue this video shoot so it is time to do facial! hhaha gtg now Bye~ 

Selamat Hari Raya !

Sorry again I late update this post cause this few day i was so so so so BUSY arhh...When i was back to my home it was around 10pm ady...For me it is too late ady and i feel so sleepy lolll..Okay I continued my post!

Apa Khabar? Selamat Hari Raya! lol...19/8 Today my family and I go celebrated  hari raya at Midvalley. Why we celebrated hari raya? cause satu Malaysia ma right? haha..Today I take around 2 hours to make-up.lol...My make-up skill very poor and totally FAIL. I agree. Now I only know practice make perfect this three words. And my science subjects...I should do more exercise from now on. Not only science subjects likewise make-up. Back to this topic. Makeup made me crazy ar!! Arrrrhhhh....feel a little bit hate makeup ady..ishhh! Waste my 2 hours..wtf! After makeup was done,we went to @Midvalley again..lolll....When we arrived it was around 1pm ady..So we having our lunch first then we started our plan. I wanna eat ramen and sushi so we went to Sushi Restaurant (sry i forgot the restaurant name ady) to have our lunch.

ocha! taste good


Saba steak set

with mummy

mummy and sis

After that, we watched a performance at ground floor Midvalley. Good job! I like their performance so much! Got hari raya feel! Then, we go having our dessert snowflake! I didn't eat snowflake for a long time ady! It was damn yummy! So full !! Okay it is time to shopping!! My sis bought a garnier toner and moisturizing cream for herself and I bankrupt ady so didn't buy anything. lol...But my sis bought a key ring for me. So cuteee. Then I palm my mummy and sis went to popular. I wanna buy the makeup book long time ady. Finally my mummy bought for me! Awww...thankiuw mummy i love u! lolll.. Feel hungry ady so we having our dinner at Popeyes @Midvalley. Fried chicken and biscuits damn damn yummy! Next time we plan to go again. Okayy here the picture.

nice performance!

UFO lolll

take away snowflake

my favourite


makeup book and key ring


That day outfit::

What a wonderful day! Okayy i will stop at here and continue write another post so see u later! Bye~


Special day

TWO day ady i didn't blog...cause I'm so busy! lol...just hang out with my daddy and friend...and no time to give me update my blog..so sry. No idea what i wanna blog about today..(brain no longer working lol) erm..so lets blog about two day ago!

Thursday 16/8 my father off day so we two plan to shopping at Midvalley. My mummy wanna watch movie so she don't want out with us.lol...nvm...our plan as usual. We were so so so lucky found a parking place in car park to parking cause you know la there are so hard to find a parking place especially at Midvalley. Firstly we go having our lunch at Seedcafe @midvalley. My daddy introduce this cafe to me and he said their fish chop damn yummy. There are so many office workers having their lunch. No idea what i want to eat so i choose chicken chop and my daddy choose his favourite fish chop. Taste not bad wat like BBQ chicken. So full ! 

chicken chop

fish chop

Second round we started shopping! muahaha...We went to Sasa to bought my eyebrow pen. Finally i get it! Then all I needed is clothes so we went to Forever21, FOS. Lastly we went to Jusco @midvalley bought my      shoe. Aww....I want that shoes long time ady! Unfortunately black color shoes was sold out ady...no my size..so nvm i choose another color ---sweet pink! Finally....my daddy bought for me with RM20 discount.  Even though black color shoe was sold out but I still love this color so much! Thanks daddy. Daddy's wallet is bleeding..money flied`lol

Cyber color eyebrow pen


Actually the shoes is pink color not white. lol 

And I bought a present for my dear sis. Couple watch. Hope she will like it!

Ytd I went to @leisuremall with my lovely friend. We just shopping and went to Neway sing k. Thats all for tat day.lol nothing to say...

Today i rest at home and be a House female..haha google translate. wtf..
Okay I think I will stop at here for today and see you again bye~ Have a nice day


Oppa Gangnam Style

Hey guy! Oppa gangnam style! Ehh...sexy lady....PSY- gangnam style! Now the korean wind very famous ady..Now when you go everywhere also can hear this song.. .lol...I think this mv and song very funny specially PSY! And their dance too! I heard that this dance is Horse Riding Dance right? It is so cute and funny dance! I gonna learn this dance soon....lol 

okay..here the mv gangnam style hope you all like it. Damn nice!

 Oppa gangnam style! gangnam style! Ehh....sexy lady! Op op op oppa gangnam style!

Every time when I was heard this song I will feel so high...don't know why...something wrong with me lol...
Okaayyyy...Thats all for today and tomoro is my sis Kar Mun's birthday! Omg i havent prepare the gift for her yet..die la me...*fail*

Bye! :)


Happy sweet 16

Hellooo...arhhh...ytd line got problem! wtf can't publish my new post..ishhh...Today gonna rewrite ytd post again...Okayy.. lets start my topic!

Ytd ytd ytd ytd was my Big day! wohoo! 10/8 Happy sweet 16 birthday to me! Sorry for late post~I was a teenager ady, not a child anymore...time fly so fast...Awww...16 years old, feel old ady...i don't want i don't want~ Pls give me back my childhood ! wtf i'm talking about?! something wrong with me lol.../ Lets back to this topic. I was celebrated my birthday with my family that day! My mummy, daddy, and lovely sis! My brother now are studying at Australia so can't celebrated with me :( My daddy bought a chocolate cake (my favourite) to me! It was so delicious! My sis bought starsbuck and present to me! My lovely friend also bought present for me and sang birthday song to me! I was so happy that day cause it was the first time my classmate sang birthday song to me! ♥ Love them all...touch ~


 Birthday Present!

 Big Bang Pencil Case

Chocolate Cupcake made by Caryn jie 

Awesome! Thanks my lovely family and all my dear friend! Love u all`
Okaayyyy...finally done rewrite this post ady..time to say goodbye and i want go to sleep ady~(afternoon nap) wtf. lol 
So see u guy tonight!