
Selamat Hari Raya !

Sorry again I late update this post cause this few day i was so so so so BUSY arhh...When i was back to my home it was around 10pm ady...For me it is too late ady and i feel so sleepy lolll..Okay I continued my post!

Apa Khabar? Selamat Hari Raya! lol...19/8 Today my family and I go celebrated  hari raya at Midvalley. Why we celebrated hari raya? cause satu Malaysia ma right? haha..Today I take around 2 hours to make-up.lol...My make-up skill very poor and totally FAIL. I agree. Now I only know practice make perfect this three words. And my science subjects...I should do more exercise from now on. Not only science subjects likewise make-up. Back to this topic. Makeup made me crazy ar!! Arrrrhhhh....feel a little bit hate makeup ady..ishhh! Waste my 2 hours..wtf! After makeup was done,we went to @Midvalley again..lolll....When we arrived it was around 1pm ady..So we having our lunch first then we started our plan. I wanna eat ramen and sushi so we went to Sushi Restaurant (sry i forgot the restaurant name ady) to have our lunch.

ocha! taste good


Saba steak set

with mummy

mummy and sis

After that, we watched a performance at ground floor Midvalley. Good job! I like their performance so much! Got hari raya feel! Then, we go having our dessert snowflake! I didn't eat snowflake for a long time ady! It was damn yummy! So full !! Okay it is time to shopping!! My sis bought a garnier toner and moisturizing cream for herself and I bankrupt ady so didn't buy anything. lol...But my sis bought a key ring for me. So cuteee. Then I palm my mummy and sis went to popular. I wanna buy the makeup book long time ady. Finally my mummy bought for me! Awww...thankiuw mummy i love u! lolll.. Feel hungry ady so we having our dinner at Popeyes @Midvalley. Fried chicken and biscuits damn damn yummy! Next time we plan to go again. Okayy here the picture.

nice performance!

UFO lolll

take away snowflake

my favourite


makeup book and key ring


That day outfit::

What a wonderful day! Okayy i will stop at here and continue write another post so see u later! Bye~

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